
Conductor supports integrated authentication using the OpenID Connect protocol.

By default, authentication is disabled. To enable it, * Set the auth environment variable to 'true' * Set the alg environment variable to the signing algorithm (RS256 or ES256) * Set the publickey variable to a Base64 encoded public key.

If authentication is enabled then you need to include a signed JWT bearer token along with every request. The is done by adding the Authorization: Bearer <<token>> header to each request. The token should be a valid JWT token that was signed with the corresponding private key to the public one in the environment variable.

The token must also include a scope claim that indicate the level of access. The following scopes are used within Conductor.

  • conductor:admin - Adminstrative tasks.
  • conductor:author - Authoring of workflow definitions and steps.
  • conductor:controller - Starting, stopping, suspending and resuming workflows.
  • conductor:viewer - Querying the status of a workflow.
  • conductor:worker - Activity workers.

A minimal JWT payload the include all the scopes would look as follows

  "scope": "conductor:admin conductor:author conductor:controller conductor:viewer conductor:worker"

Some authentication servers that support OpenID Connect include